You must remain in life-union with me.

John 15:4 TPT‬

[4] “So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you.

For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine.”

Three words from the scripture highlighted above are significant: remain, intimately, and joined.

They signify a continuous, enduring engagement with Jesus Christ, who is our resolution and life.

In a separate scripture, He encourages us to study (learn of) His ways, so that we may discover rest, rejuvenation, and renewal for our soul and mind.

Isaiah 43:10 from the AMPC outlines four reasons why God selected us as His cherished inheritance:

‭Isaiah 43:10 AMPC‬

[10]  “You are My witnesses, says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen,

that you may know Me,

believe Me

and remain steadfast to Me,

and understand that I am He.

Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me.”

He is the tree, and we are the branches. It is only by remaining closely connected and integrated with Him at every moment of each day that we can start to experience the serenity, peace, and the full range of beauty and abundance that comes with the new life in Christ Jesus.

He is the solution to the human condition. #TheChrist.

The constant barrage of half-truths, lies, and generalizations assaulting our senses and spirit through various platforms and interactions every minute can be effectively neutralized, countered, and overcome by a consistent, relentless stream of God’s Word. This includes listening to the audio Bible, studying and meditating on the Word, and engaging with selected teachings on the explorations of the person of Jesus Christ.

How about this idea: instead of fasting, we initiate a continuous Word Feast, a campaign dedicated to the indulgence in the written Word of God.

With a focus on exploring the person of Jesus Christ, through His written Word in the New Testament writings of the bible.

He will bring stability to our minds, emotions, and behaviors.


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